Find if Image has been Modified or Photoshopped with FotoForensics

Find if Image has been Modified or Photoshopped with FotoForensics

We come across lots of beautiful photos and pictures on internet and Facebook of places and scenery that we wish to set them as our wallpaper. I also like these images but always had this thought in mind that if these images are real and such lovely places do exists on earth. Although I am not sure of these facts, I still like to set them as my wallpaper.

If this had happened to you too, and in case you are wondering that every second photo that you come across is real or fake, then you should definitely try this out. Being a photographer myself, I understand how important it is to photoshop an image but one should decide the level of modification that he wishes to perform in a photo.

With the help of this free online service called FotoForensics, you can also determine whether the photo you are currently seeing is real, fake, modified or photoshopped. Yes this is true; you can also determine the level of modification done on the photo. You just need to either enter the image URL or upload the image to this service (higher the resolution, better the scan results) and wait for the Forensic results.Read the tutorial here

Image taken from FotoForensics

FotoForensics make use of Error Level Analysis (ELA) which is a type of technique in which they introduce certain known level of error in an image, but if the ELA value is higher at some points than expected then it has surely been modified. I would suggest you to first understand how this process works else you won’t be able to correctly evaluate the result.

Say for instance for the above image, the darker the image part, lesser the change in the image whereas with each image resave, the colors are lost and the photo tend to turn white and noisy. In this picture, the background is completely black, but the person is not. That means that the background is at a different quality level compared to the rest of the picture; the background was digitally modified. In this case, it was enhanced to make the white look brighter.

Let me know how it goes for you.

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