Design static look of your blog in the way way u want..
As I am using blog since two year. I was not satisfied until I can see ma blog in that way as I want. But today I can design the static look of ma blog using blogger and its possible because of gadget named HTML/javascript.
I have designed the slider which is on ma another site but to make ma blog attractive. I must use that slider on blog,but small mistakes made me scratch my head. Finally I got the solution.
One can put their creativity by embedding the design into blog the following steps will help to get the concept very clear.
1) First thing to choose your theme and then adjust it as you want taking help of template designer.
2) Second choose the gadget option which will be on template page.
3) You will get lots of gadgets over there pick HTML/javascript gadget from basic gadgets.
4) In pop up window you will see the title field and below it paste the code which will be reflect on your blog's static design
5) To embed the previous code use the iframe tag,which has lots of option to play with it.
6) And very last Save it.Don't forget to click on Save arrangement button